Requirements and recommendations: An extra offline computer with Python installed.  Send only your message through email, not more than that, try not repeat beginning or end of message. I advise making a new template for every single use (change the code base for sender and receiver, or after using Code gen). If there is no other way to send the template apart from online, try obscure it, but even that method may be ineffective in the future or even today! For that reason I advise to not send generated code templates through email. If using cryptography (suggested) or your own language, make sure it can be understood! Finally delete message/s that are not needed. This is just my advice for these programs and how I understand CYZ to work. If you enjoy tinkering, you may modify the code. The licence agreement is included in the download below.

Finally, please take care and responsibility to safeguard your messages using CYZ on your chosen device/s and OS.

If you do find a bug (or anything relating to), please report it to:

CYZ (zip file)